Produced by Kyra Sedgewick, Proof is a 10-episode supernatural medical mystery series for TNT about surgeon Dr. Carolyn Tyler (Jennifer Beals) who’s asked by a dying tech billionaire (Matthew Modine) to investigate cases of reincarnation and hauntings for proof. Despite her own after-death experience she remains Scully-skeptical and reliant on hard science when it comes to answering the question — is there something beyond death?
Proof filmed its pilot here last Spring with various locations playing the Bay Vista Medical Center, including the curtain wall of the Central Vancouver Public Library. Cast and crew returned to a Vancouver a week or two ago for pre-production and filming resumed on Monday around the Central Library. The next day, Proof set up at Gotham Steakhouse on Seymour Street. And on Wednesday, started filming two days in and around Robson Square as Washington Pacific University. First on the Classrooms level of UBC Robson Square. And then this night shoot on the Robson Square steps after the skating rink closed.
The scene: Dr. Carolyn Tyler (Jennifer Beals) and a male companion exit Washington Pacific University (Vancouver Art Gallery) and stroll past trees strung with white lights. Suddenly her companion turns and runs back to break up a fight. She joins him.
The Central Library looked just as beautiful lit up on Monday night for a scene of a flashing Bay Vista ambulance speeding by.
Crew had placed three cameras in and on the ambulance.