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SHOOT: THE FLASH’s WestAllen (Candice Patton & Grant Gustin) on Vancouver’s False Creek Seawall

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In any timeline, Barry and Iris ultimately find one another. — The Flash showrunners at Comic Con.

WestAllen. Iris West and Barry Allen. Together tonight in the most romantic of settings. The Flash filmed this WestAllen kiss on the Vancouver seawall in False Creek at dusk. Candice Patton and Grant Gustin did the scene over and over. Dancing and laughing in breaks in between.

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Barry leaves.

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Are WestAllen planning to take the TeenChoice Liplock Award from past winners Arrow’s Olicity and Once Upon a Time’s CaptainSwan?

Last night fans stuck around to see a WestAllen romantic moment in Yaletown.

Barry Hearts Iris in flowers.

And a long restaurant meal today in La Terrazza.