Supergirl rejected Mon-El last week, crushing the hearts of Karamel shippers (their name for Kara and Mon-El).
From Superhero Kindergarten last week. Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl. Chris Wood as Mon-El.
To a battle against Electric villains. Mon-El needs a super suit. Filmed in CBC Vancouver’s underground parking lot.
To a fight about Mon-El protecting her instead of the public. Filmed at CBC Vancouver.
Kara: Why are you working with me?
Mon-El: Because I have these powers.
Kara: Do you like me?
Mon-El: Uh…at the moment that’s a tough call.
Kara: Are you working with me because you like me?
Related: Supergirl films Karamel (Melissa Benoist & Chris Wood) at CBC Vancouver.
To a confession in Kara’s apartment. Mon-El does like her. He remembers the kiss.
Mon-el: I remember kissing you…..your eyes insanely blue….always are…like comets…And I had never seen someone so stunning and I kissed you.
Mon-el: I saved you at the police station because I care about you…..comets.
Kara: Mon-El…I do care about you but not in that way.
Crushing Mon-El and the #Karamel shippers.
To tonight’s Awkward episode.
After rejecting him last week, Kara compounded it at the bar.
Mon-El: I’ve been talking to some of the regulars and apparently Earth males are only supposed to express their feelings about sports and occasionally monster trucks.
Kara: It was great that you were honest ….but here’s the thing: You were right. I’m not so sure we’re a good match.