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OUATVAN: ONCE UPON A TIME’s #CAPTAINSWAN (Jennifer Morrison & Colin O’Donoghue) on Vancouver Stage

Once Upon a Time’s CaptainSwan — Jennifer Morrison and Colin O’Donoghue — on stage at the official  fan convention in Vancouver.

In Emma Swan and Captain Hook’s first scene together showrunners saw something in that moment and CaptainSwan was born.

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Favourite Captain Swan scene. The beanstalk – Colin. Something coming up – Jennifer.

CaptainSwan wedding. Who would you invite? All of you.

Day 76: meet and greet!! #onceuponatime #uglyducklings #emmaswan #101smiles @colinodonoghue1 #creationentertainment

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Colin O’Donoghue’s favourite Once Upon a Time location: First one on the Lady Washington as Jolly Roger up in Howe Sound. So beautiful.

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Jennifer Morrison’s favourite location: Anywhere inside. Doesn’t like the rain.

Jennifer Morrison didn’t audition for Once Upon a Time. Show’s creators Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz were fans of How I Met Her Mother and when it became clear that Morrison’s character Zoey was not the Mother they realized — she’s available. And made an offer.

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