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SHOOT: Tom Cavanagh Directs THE FLASH, Mirror Master & Rosa Dillon in Trashed Downtown Vancouver Laneway

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Tom Cavanagh is directing the current episode of The Flash in an artfully trashed alley in downtown Vancouver today. On set he’s as enthusiastic about directing the show as his character H.R. Wells is about the S.T.A.R. Labs Museum or last week’s Friends Day.

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The scene: Mirror Master (Grey Damon) and his girlfriend Rosa Dillon (Ashley Rickards)  give The Flash a good kicking as he lies prone on the ground. Cavanagh demonstrated the kick over and over with glee.

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Heather Hughson photos:

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A good kicking for The Flash.

Mirror Master.

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Grant Gustin spots me watching rehearsals from the parking lot below. Grey Damon as Mirror Master.

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I know the feeling.

Overnight shoot in a similarily trashed T alley in downtown Vancouver last Friday.

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Fans watch from the other end.
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