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START: SUPERGIRL Season 3 With Melissa Benoist Starts Filming in Vancouver

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Who’s in the Pod this time? In the Supergirl season 2 finale, Kara said goodbye to love Mon-El who left Earth in his pod and was last seen headed into a wormhole. Will we see him again?

Meanwhile, a new pod has crashed on Earth, expected to contain season 3’s Big Bad, DC Worldkiller Reign.

Melissa Benoist is Kara Danvers/Supergirl; Chyler Leigh is Alex Danvers; David Harwood is Martian Man; Mehcad Brooks is Jimmy Olsen/The Guardian; Jeremy Jordan is Winn Schott; Chris Wood is Mon-El, Katie McGrath is Lena Author and Odette Annable is cast in season 3 as Big Bad Reign. Floriana Lima — the other half of season 2 couple #Sanvers — asked producers to reduce her role to recurring.

First day of filming.

A table read showed Mehcad Brooks, Katie McGrathand Melissa Benoist.

Supergirl season 3 starts filming today and wraps April 28th (date subject to change).

And premieres Monday, October 8th, at 8 p.m on The CW in the U.S. and Showcase in Canada.