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RESTART: DEADPOOL 2’s Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and Domino (Zazie Beetz) on Set in Vancouver

Ryan Reynolds and Zazie Beetz chat this afternoon before a Deadpool and Domino scene. Deadpool 2 resumed filming today after a two-day shutdown to honour American stunt rider Joi “SJ” Harris, who was killed performing a Domino motorcycle stunt on Monday morning.

Today’s shoot was rescheduled from Monday. And continues tomorrow.

Ryan Reynolds on set this afternoon.

Zazie Beetz on set.

Ryan Reynolds and Zazie Beetz chatting on set.

Zazie Beetz takes a moment.

She posted this later.

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Who else was on set?

Josh Brolin as Cable?

Colossus mo-cap suit? Juggernaut mo-cap suit? Levon Kendall is wearing it.