Invitations to Barry Allen and Iris West’s wedding are what triggers this year’s 4-way DC Crossover of Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. Production is filming people fleeing from the WestAllen wedding in “St. Paul Church” in downtown Vancouver today.
What goes wrong? Earth-X doppelgangers crash it in a 4-hour movie that will air across two nights at the end of November.
So the wedding doesn’t happen as planned. Most of the crossover will be superheroes battling their evil Earth-X doppelgangers.
SPOILER ALERT: And then at the end there will be a quiet impromptu ceremony on the water with Diggle (David Ramsey) seemingly officiating the marriages of The Flash’s Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and Iris West (Candice Patton) plus Arrow’s Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), filmed on the Stanley Park seawall yesterday. Hope it’s legal.
WestAllen vows.
And then it’s Olicity’s turn.
Emily Bett Rickards gives Stephen Amell a playful shove.
Candice Patton
crossover in full effect
— Candice Patton (@candicekp) October 12, 2017
This was an unexpectedly public shoot hosted by Legends of Tomorrow in Stanley Park with tourists and joggers passing by.
The geese were a bigger draw for tourists.
The quintet of Arrow/TheFlash actors had a lot of fun at the shoot, especially after the sun came out.
Blocking in the rain.
The 4-way crossover — Crisis on Earth-X — airs November 27th & 28th on The CW.