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TONIGHT: Iris West Allen (Candice Patton) Suits Up as “Purple Flash” on THE FLASH

Fan Art.

Iris West Allen suits up tonight as “Purple Flash” on The Flash.

The purple is significant.

How does Iris (Candice Patton) become a speedster?

A new bus-meta human dubbed Melting Pot (Leonardo Nam) swaps her DNA with her husband Barry (Grant Gustin)’s on tonight’s episode Run, Iris, Run.

Iris temporarily gets Barry’s speedster powers and Barry temporarily takes on Iris’s role as team leader in S.T.A.R. Labs as a new threat hits Central City — a meta-villain played by Glee’s Max Adler.

Fan GIF.

Fan art.

Fan art.

Funko Pop!

My photos of Candice Patton in costume on set.


☔️⚡️💜 #runirisrun tomorrow 8/7c

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Iris & Barry

Purple Reign 💜

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Fan Art! #RunIrisRun Edition 💜

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