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SEASON 6: Hartley Rathaway? THE FLASH Recreates the Cleveland Dam Toll Traffic From Season One

The Flash

Remember the Hartley Rathaway versus the Flash fight on the Cleveland Dam from season one of The Flash?

In the original timeline, Hartley Rathaway, who called himself the Pied Piper, tried to take revenge on Harrison Wells (secretly Reverse Flash) by killing the Flash with a sonic attack on the Cleveland Dam.

Wells figured out how to defeat his protege and Rathaway ended up in a cell at S.T.A.R. Labs.

So what was the Flash doing back on North Vancouver’s  Cleveland Dam last night recreating the toll booth traffic in season 6?

Setting up the traffic on the damn.

Will cars be flipping off the damn again?

Getting ready to light up the dam for VFX.

 Amanda Tapping is directing this episode.


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Have such fun on this show. It’s going by in a flash! Yep, I went there. 😂 @cwtheflash

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The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.