Leo Awards – Best Visual Effects
Winner: The Flash.
The Flash VFX team won again at the Leo Awards tonight — Team Armen Kevorkian’s sixth visual effects win in six years.
This year, the team won for season 5’s epic King Shark Vs. Gorilla Grodd fight.
[sz-youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39fFZNOEXHU” /]
Team: Armen V. Kevorkian, Josh Spivack, Andranik Taranyan, Shirak Agresta, Marc Lougee
Last year, The Flash VFX team won for the season 4 finale when time-travelling speedster Nora West-Allen helped her Dad stop The Thinker’s Enlightenment.
Related: The Flash’s VFX Sean Wins Leo Award for Father & Daughter Speedsters.
Team: Armen V. Kevorkian, Joshua Spivack, Marc Lougee, Shirak Agresta, Andranik Taranyan.
In 2018, The Flash won for season 3’s Killer Frost and her Ice Highway above downtown Vancouver.
Related: The Flash VFX Team Wins Leo Award For Killer Frost Ice Highway.
Team: Armen V. Kevorkian, Marc Lougee, James Baldanzi, Andranik Taranyan, Shirak Agresta.
Team: Armen V. Kevorkian, James Baldanzi, Thomas Connors, Gevork Babityan, Marc Lougee
In 2016 for season 2’s Gorilla Warfare.
Team: Armen V. Kevorkian, James Baldanzi, Thomas James Connors, Gevork Babityan, Marc Lougee
And in 2015 for season 1’s Going Rogue with Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller).
Team: Armen Kevorkian, James Baldanzi, Keith Hamakawa, Jeremy Jozwik, Andranik Taranyan.
Other Nominees in 2020.
Deadly Class
Chris Van Dyck, Ian Fenton
Armen V. Kevorkian, Brian Reiss, Kris Cabrera, Fabian Jimenez, Shandy Lashley
Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One.
The Terror: Infamy
Lawren Bancroft-Wilson, Chris Van Dyck, Justin Reimer, Craig Vandenbiggelaar, Richard Greenwood
Van Helsing
Michael Nachoff, Ryan Curtis, Anuva N. Iyer, Andrea Sciame, Curro Doyagüez
The Leo Awards honour the best of BC-produced film and television.
The virtual awards streamed for three nights on youtube.
[sz-youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXTYktGiyWM” /]