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THE END: SUPERNATURAL’s Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles Relax After Wrapping Series Finale in Vancouver


Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill image.

For those wondering if Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles survived their last day shooting Supernatural, here’s a photo of them having their annual post-season dinner at Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill in Yaletown.

I didn’t know about this tradition until Fangasm shared screen caps of the instagram photos.

Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill.


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#arrivederci till next time my friends #health #happiness #friendsforever #seeyousoon

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How relaxed and happy they look after wrapping fifteen seasons of Supernatural.

Related: Supernatural’s Last Day of Filming in Vancouver With Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki.

Last Day of Filming – September 10th.

Sam & Dean & Baby.

The Supernatural stars and a beloved 1967 Impala filmed at the  Spur 4 Bridge in the North Vancouver mountains.

Woke up at 6am this morning. That alarm went off with a heavy tone. Today is the final day of a 15 year journey. One that has changed my life forever. To those I have worked with on this journey and to those who have watched and supported…you will never understand my great appreciation for you. “Thank you” doesn’t cover it. There just aren’t words. I’m so grateful for these memories that I will carry with me forever. What a ride it has been. And what a run. #spnfamilyforever here are a few shots from our final days…including today. I’ll try and send more later, but in true SPN form…we are in the middle of “nowhere” and have zero service. Go figure. Stay tuned. — Jensen Ackles.


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Woke up at 6am this morning. That alarm went off with a heavy tone. Today is the final day of a 15 year journey. One that has changed my life forever. To those I have worked with on this journey and to those who have watched and supported…you will never understand my great appreciation for you. “Thank you” doesn’t cover it. There just aren’t words. I’m so grateful for these memories that I will carry with me forever. What a ride it has been. And what a run. #spnfamilyforever here are a few shots from our final days…including today. I’ll try and send more later, but in true SPN form…we are in the middle of “nowhere” and have zero service. Go figure. Stay tuned.

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Jared Padalecki shared his thoughts about his last day on Supernatural on his way to set.

I write this as I head to my last day of #Supernatural. My last day with #SamWinchester. Obviously, my head is spinning and my emotions are stratospheric, but there’s still a bit of time left on the clock. Thank y’all SO MUCH for the incredible amount of love and support that’s been headed our way, in these final hours. It’s definitely been felt. I’ll check in soon, but, for now, #WeHaveWorkToDo. #spnfamily

Where were they filming?

The beautiful mountain vista at Spur 4 Bridge in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve.

Dean and Baby.

Thursday was Supernatural’s last day of principal photography and #ThankyouSupernatural trended on social media all day.

Sam & Dean & Baby.

Sam & Dean & Baby had been on location for three days: in Burnaby Heritage Village (above) set-dressed for the 4th of July and Deer Lake Park on Tuesday.

And then at a house in  Burnaby’s Deer Lake Park on Wednesday.


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Today’s office view (2nd last day…😢)

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Baby in Deer Lake Park. Image by Kevin Parks/@SNkevinandjil.

Sam & Dean on a case at this house.

How much did Supernatural contribute to BC’s economy?

The Final Run.