Survival horror thriller Night Comes, starring Deadpool & Wolverine’s Dafne Keen and Samantha Lorraine as sisters, is filming in Vancouver this September/October.
Night Comes unfolds against the backdrop of a cataclysmic event that threatens to engulf humanity.
Two sisters manage to escape the horror only to find themselves thrust into a perilous struggle for survival, tasked with a mission that holds the fate of mankind in the balance.
Dafne Keen’s Laura/X-23, the young mutant who became Wolverine’s surrogate daughter in Logan, fights alongside a new Wolverine variant.
Night Comes:
Vancouver filming dates: September 16 2024 – October 22 2024.
Writers: Jay Hernandez, Nancy Isaak, Jason Bourque.
Director: Jay Hernandez.
Cast: Dafne Keen, Samantha Lorraine, Alexander Ludwig.
Sound Stages: North Shore Studios.
Producers: Big Picture Cinema Group, Impossible Dream Entertainment.