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SHOOT: Seth Gabel & Anna Torv as aged & married Lincoln Lee & Fauxlivia for FRINGE 5×12 Liberty

This is the scene of the redverse’s aged Fauxlivia (Anna Torv) out for dinner with her similarly-aged husband Lincoln Lee (Seth Gabel) in 2036 when she gets a call from Fringe Division headquarters that Olivia (also Anna Torv) has crossed over to see her. Unfortunately, not everything that was filmed in the restaurant on Hamilton Street shows up on screeen. For example, Fauxlivia and Lincoln Lee’s grownup son has been edited out of the restaurant footage but we see him in a family portrait on Fauxlivia’s desk at Fringe Division HQ.  Still, I’m glad that the  cheeky alternate universe news footage of Chelsea Clinton leading in the presidential polls survived. As Entertainment Weekly’s TV critic Ken Tucker tweeted during the live broadcast tonight: I vote for Chelsea Clinton for President. #KeepLookingUp .

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