Caught a body this morning. Working girl.. . A Monster on the Loose. 17 Victims and Counting.
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Season Three should be renamed The Killings — plural. Events take place a year and a half after the arrest of Rosie Larsen’s killer when Seattle police detective Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman) looks into the death of a working girl. That leads to an old investigation by his former police partner Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos), who’s left the force. Is there a Seattle serial killer who preys on street kids? 17 deaths and counting. Only a monster like this could draw Linden back into a new case. Peter Sarsgaard is the death row inmate linked to the killing spree.
Related: Mireille Enos & Liam James film in Snug Cove on Bowen Island
The new case starts Sunday June 2nd on AMC.