Two Men. Two Bows. One Roof.
Emerald Archer vs Dark Archer for the season finale.
A late April rehearsal of Hudson’s Bay rooftop fight scene at dusk in downtown Vancouver, part of Arrow’s final shoot of the season.
Arrow has been building to the ultimate showdown between Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman)’s alter egos for much of the season. Is this it? If so, who will be victorious? It didn’t look good for The Hood from my vantage high above in the Vancouver Lookout at Harbour Centre (often featured in Arrow cityscapes).
Update: The slumped figure near the open door turns out be Diggle (David Ramsey) in the season finale.
Rehearsing catching one of the Hood’s arrows.
Setting up for Diggle crawling up staircase.
Arrow’s season finale airs tonight at 8 p.m. on The CW in the U.S. and 7 p.m. on CTV in Canada.