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LEO AWARDS: Jennifer Copping Wins Leo For BECOMING REDWOOD – Revised

Becoming Redwood which came in with 14 nominations for its popular 1970s-era coming-of-age story won a Leo for Jennifer Copping’s lead performance as young  golf-obssessed Redwood (Ryan Grantham)’s mother. Vancouver-born-and-bred writer and director Jesse James Miller, Copping  (Miller’s wife) and Grantham (shorn of his long hair) walked the red carpet together.

StoryLab Productions’  Chad Willett (nominated for his performance as Redwood’s draft-dodging, pot-smoking Dad) and Joely Collins — “Putting the story back in the script”.

Viv Leacock who played Redwood’s imaginary caddy.

Jesse James Miller won two Leos for his documentary The Good Son: The Life of Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini. One for his direction and the other for cinematography.