Update: Godzilla director Gareth Edwards pre-taped a message for San Diego Comic-Con fans to preview the GodzillaEncounter.com viral campaign about “something very big heading to San Diego.” He must have done this standup in Vancouver late last month on the Main Street set in south Burnaby, dressed as San Francisco’s Chinatown.
Related: Godzilla turns Watchmen’s Main Street Set into San Francisco’s Chinatown.
[sz-youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wAhgAqzrLE&feature=youtu.be” /]
Legendary Pictures shared a news item about the disappearance of a Japanese fishing vessel Sun Five bound for San Diego [Comic-Con] which reported a collision with a “black iceberg”, with the ominous last words: “The iceberg….it saw us.” Uh-oh.
This was followed by another item from a Citizen’s Weather Watch about something large out there and moving.
Check for more sightings of this extremely large, black, moving object at GodzillaEncounter.com.