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SHOOT: SUPERNATURAL’s Castiel (Misha Collins) Does Laundry in New Westminster

It was the talk of San Diego Comic-Con: how will former angel Castiel cope with the filth of being human? It won’t be easy but it will be fun. Misha Collins teased a “great bathroom scene”  where he will have to figure out basic biological functions. Tonight’s lesson: laundry at the local Hillside Laundry. [Update: Later scenes suggest Castiel doesn’t do laundry. Heborrows it to give him a change of clothes. Supernatural filmed Castiel (Misha Collins) rummaging through garbage cans behind the Ovaltine Cafe in the Downtown Eastside and hiding behind bins in the rain and then later in regular clothes giving change to a woman in Chinatown ].




13 thoughts on “SHOOT: SUPERNATURAL’s Castiel (Misha Collins) Does Laundry in New Westminster”

    1. Checked with other people who were there for whole shoot and Jensen Ackles was not on set, as far as we know. There was someone in a green hunter jacket with crew but unlikely to be Ackles who would have been escorted on and off set.

    1. Saw that too. Crew did so much exterior set dressing they would have noticed closed sign so must be there intentionally?

    2. Well, he probably doesn’t have any money or not much and walking into a store while its open with blood all over his shirt might be hard to explain so maybe he has to resort to stealing some clothes. The Winchesters would if they needed to so I’m sure he thinks its ok. Ugh, it’s gonna be a rough road for a while for him, probably funny, but rough.

  1. Are they still there? Or was it only in the morning. I’m visiting family and I want to try to see them filming. I’ve already seen bates mite, and the new Tim burton film. Supernatural will complete my list

    1. I agree about a premiere too packed with stuff about fallen angels. Supernatural does this. Packs an episode full with the new mythology and then moves on to a series of standalone episodes when nothing much happens to propel the bigger arc forward. And then a rush at the end of the season to resolve everything and set up for the next one.

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