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TCA NEWS: ALMOST HUMAN Reshot Some of its Vancouver Pilot This Summer

Michael Irby, Mackenzie Crook, Lili Taylor, Minka Kelly, Michael Ealy, Karl Urban. TCA panel.
Michael Irby, Mackenzie Crook, Lili Taylor, Minka Kelly, Michael Ealy, Karl Urban. TCA panel.

FOX summer TCA panel, August 1, 2013.

  • Showrunner J.H. Wyman confirmed what was suspected in Vancouver. The pilot that people have seen in screeners and at San Diego Comic-Con will not be the same as what airs November 4th on FOX. Some scenes have been re-shot and that explains some filming that took place at the Terminal City Ironworks compound and in studio before Almost Human began shooting the second episode on July 23rd. Human police officer John Kennex (Karl Urban)’s father will play a part in the mythology.
  • Wyman told the TCA that  they talked with an MIT expert in “robot ethics”, adding that one of the arcs of the show is about how human these androids are and not something to “be tossed away”.

  • Almost Human will not be the next Battlestar Galactica with the “synthetic” police partners rebelling and turning on the humans like the Cylons did in Vancouver-shot BSG. Wyman sees hope in technology.

  • Almost Human is set in 2048 Los Angeles, only 35 years from now, so not that far from how we live now. People will still have mortgages and jobs but crime gets out of control and so robot  police partners are introduced to cut down on police deaths. Unfortunately, the android “DRNs” are “a little too human” and not black and white in terms of right and wrong so they are dropped in favour of “synthetics” .
  • Michael Ealy says he plays DNR police officer Dorian as “childlike” with an “innocence in observing what’s around him” and has accepted that Dorian will not have a love interest. There will be no robot love on Almost Human,Wyman said.

Michael Ealy & Karl Urban. FOX TCA Summer Panel.
Michael Ealy & Karl Urban. FOX TCA Summer Panel.

Almost Human debuts Monday, November 4th, on FOX in the U.S.