Who needs a Leaf Lady to scatter bags of dried leaves on a beautiful fall day in Stanley Park ? Once Upon a Time filmed a #CaptainSwan — Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) and Captain Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) — scene among autumn leaves south of Lumberman’s Arch today dressed as New York City’s Central Park. Someone spotted the modern fairy tale production in the morning but I missed most of the shoot, arriving in the afternoon as cast wrapped. Shortly after, crew packed up and left the park.
On Tuesday, Once Upon a Time shot scenes at Strathcona School and in Gastown’s Koret Lofts, part of a recent shift out of studio and back into more on-location filming in and around Vancouver.
Update: Does #CaptainSwan have the Best On-Screen Chemistry? You betcha. Jennifer Morrison & Colin O’Donoghue earned a well-deserved Peoples Choice Award nomination for it.
Once Upon a Time airs Sunday nights on ABC in the U.S. and CTV in Canada.