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SHOOT: SUPERNATURAL’s Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki Back in the Impala Under Georgia Viaduct

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J2 (Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki) in the Impala. It’s a Supernatural fan’s dream. And it happened this morning under the Georgia and Dunsmuir Viaducts in a brief scene for episode 9×21: hunters Dean and Sam Winchester drive up in the Impala, stop in the northbound curb lane of Main Street, emerge and then walk to the corner. Who knows what they were talking about but it was good to have them back in an Impala not keyed by Demons. And to have them back after their two-week hiatus taken while Supernatural filmed spinoff Bloodlines about a Chicago hunter and the shapeshifter and werewolf tribes who run that city Mafioso-style. [Update: J2 flew out the next day to Chicago to join the Bloodlines cast for three days of filming episode 9×20 there while Vancouver crew shoots the rest of episode 21 here with Misha Collins and other cast.]. If J2 and an unkeyed Impala wasn’t enough for one shoot, a blue-suited Misha Collins blew kisses at the boys as they were driven to circus. Collins then walked away as crew moved to the next location in the Cobalt Hotel on Main Street.

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The Winchester brothers have been estranged for much of season nine.

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But not J2 who laughed and teased one another ahead of the scene.

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Misha Collins walks past the Impala and bends slightly to blow kisses at J2 as their driver/bodyguard Clif drives them away. Unfortunately I couldn’t capture it through four lanes of traffic.

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