On screen, Gracepoint’s Harvey Ridge Hut in Harvey Ridge Park will look like it’s high on a northern California cliff with a “steep drop off” to North Beach below where young Danny Solano’s body is found but is actually a set on turf only six feet above Victoria’s Island View Beach.
Weathered park map.
The actual cliff face on Island View Beach is about a half-a-kilometre south of the Harvey Ridge Hut set.
Related: Murdered Solano Boy’s Crime Scene on Victoria’s Island View Beach.
Meanwhile, over at Oak Bay Village which plays the town’s Main Street, the Gracepoint banners — Welcome to America’s Last Hometown — are looking a little ragged after three months-plus of filming.
Gracepoint banner next to fresh Oak Bay village banner with tulips.
Crestview Inn.
Gracepoint is expected to wrap filming of its first season near the end of May.