Once Upon a Time revealed Frozen’s Snow Queen (Elizabeth Mitchell) in Steveston as Storybrooke today. And Emma (Jennifer Morrison) gave chase. The sequence: Emma’s VW bug does a “360” in front of Granny’s Diner as if sliding on ice. Emma emerges from the car and gingerly walks across the “ice” towards Storybrooke Country Bread where she spots the Snow Queen (Elizabeth Mitchell) in costume. Drawing her gun, Emma chases her down the alley.
Jennifer Morrsion gets back into the VW bug during rehearsal.
In rehearsal, Jennifer Morrison draws her gun sooner. Did you spot the TRON bench on the sidewalk? It’s back.
Jennifer Morrison in rehearsal.
Snow Queen (Elizabeth Mitchell) arrives for the alley shoot.
Yellow VW Beetle.
Yellow VW bug does 360 stunt several times on rollers.
Leaf Lady and fans.
Stunt doubles and standins.
Stunt Snow Queen carrying her stunt bag.