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SHOOT: Scully Drives. THE X-FILES Revival With David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson in Gastown










Founder’s Mutation is  about Mulder & Scully’s son William. Filmed fifth, it aired as episode 2 of the Revival.

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From Syzygy.

Scully: I’m driving. Why do you always have to drive? Because you’re the guy? Because you’re the big, macho man?
Mulder: No. I was just never sure your little feet could reach the pedals.

Scully is driving a big SUV in The X-Files Revival. Her little feet CAN reach the pedals. That’s the inside joke for X-Files fans. Last night The X-Files Revival shot this sequence of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully driving down an alley and stopping to talk. A distracted Scully rolls forward and accidentally bumps a pedestrian who smacks his hand on the hood.

During setups, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson hung out on Carrall Street talking to crew and random Vancouverites who walked through set. It couldn’t have been more open. A gaggle of fans and passersby stood directly opposite the SUV in Trounce Alley, photographing and videotaping the scene. Reportedly the crowd was even bigger earlier in the day when The X-Files Revival shot scenes for episode five inside the Blarney Stone. The Revival’s last episode starts filming Thursday and the limited series wraps at the end of the month.

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Gillian Anderson and her Scully stunt double.

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Gillian Adnerson and her double laughing in SUV as double demonstrates the driving stunt.

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Scully’s reaction when young pedestrian smacks the hood. Is this the son they gave up for adoption?

Scully’s little feet CAN reach the pedals.




Fans at set.


Scully in same outfit as Monday night shoot in Gastown.


Best photobomb ever? Mitch Pileggi, Gillian Anderson & David Duchovny.