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FINALE: ONCE UPON A TIME Season 6 Finale – Part One. Storybrooke Ambulance for Henry.

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Who did the Storybrooke General Hospital ambulance come for? Henry (Jared Gilmore). But not to worry, it doesn’t look life-threatening. Although this is Part One of Once Upon a Time’s Season 6 Finale, so you never know. Henry’s grandfather Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) and his great grandmother The Black Fairy (Jaime Murray) were on the scene. She’s carrying his fairy tale book. What happened?

Once Upon a Time showrunner Adam Horowitz on set.

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The Black Fairy (Jaime Murray), carrying Henry’s fairy tale book.

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ouat sgh63-2Jared Gilmore between takes.

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Black Fairy & son Rumple in Regina’s Mercedes?

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After he wrapped the Mercedes scene, Robert Carlyle met with each and every one of about 100 fans on set.

Black Fairy gets out of Merc at Gold & Son.

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New Gold & Son sign.

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