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DC WOMEN: SUPERGIRL’s Melissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, Lynda Carter & Teri Hatcher Promote WONDER WOMAN Movie

Deadline: Hollywood video.

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Nice boots — Rhea.

Thanks. I got them from a friend. — Kara Danvers.

DC Women support DC Women. Supergirl promoted the upcoming Wonder Woman movie on last night’s season 2 finale to the tune of These Boots Are Made For Walkin’. It opens on Supergirl’s signature red boots walking into the show’s alien bar with Melissa Benoist in full costume and then moves to Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers playing pool, TV’s original Wonder Woman Lynda Carter as POTUS and Teri Hatcher as the season’s Big Bad Queen Rhea and back to Melissa Benoit as her alter-ego Kara Danvers sporting a pair of Wonder Woman boots.

Wonder Woman (Gail Godot)’s boots.

Wonder Woman is in theatres on June 2nd.