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START: OVERBOARD Role Reversal With Anna Faris as Single Mom Starts Filming in Vancouver

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Remember Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell? About a spoiled rich woman who falls overboard from her yacht off the coast of Oregon and suffers amnesia. The local carpenter cons her into thinking she’s his wife and the mother of his four sons. But by the time her memory’s back, she’s happy with her new family.

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In an Overboard remake the roles reverse. Eugenio Derbez will be the spoiled playboy from one of Mexico’s richest families who falls overboard from his yacht and is conned by Anna Faris (Mom, House Bunny) as a working-class single Mom into thinking he’s her husband.

Look for  Chris Pratt to join his wife Anna Faris in Vancouver.

And keep an eye out in Steveston where location scouts checked out the Steveston Cafe.

Overboard is expected to start filming today in metro Vancouver and wrap mid-July.

Sources: Production Weekly, Directors Guild of Canada-BC Production List.