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FANS: Olicity Fans Sponsor Stanley Park Bench to Honour ARROW’s Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak


Olicity fans have waited more than five seasons for the wedding of Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak.

It finally happened this Fall in the last minutes of the 4-show superhero crossover — Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.

To honour the couple a group of fans raised $7,000 for a commemorative bench at Brockton Point on the Stanley Park seawall in June. Four months later, Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards filmed the Oliver and Felicity wedding not that far away at Hallelujah Point on the Stanley Park seawall.

Stephen Amell’s Twitter.

Blue X marks the spot of the Olicity bench.
Red X marks the spot where the double wedding of Barry Allen & Iris West and Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak was filmed.

My tweet:

My photos.


Stephen Amell’s tweet.