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SEASON 3: SUPERGIRL (Melissa Benoist) & Saturn Girl (Amy Jackson) on Set in Vancouver

Amy Jackson as Saturn Girl.

Update: Saturn Girl and Supergirl have different ideas on how to stop the third World killer, Pestilence. But after Alex and Winn are both seriously injured, the pair team up to stop the destruction.

Saturn Girl and Supergirl had an argument today. Whatever could it be about?

Melissa Benoist as Supergirl, looking cold in freezing temperatures.

Here’s what it looked like from above Vancouver’s Westin Bayshore Hotel as National City – City Hall.

Saturn Girl.


With J’Onn (David Harewood).

Vancouver’s Westin Bayshore Hotel as National City – City Hall.

Supergirl returns with new episodes on Monday, April 16th at 8 p.m. on The CW.