The Haunting of Bly Manor
Where did Netflix’s The Haunting of Bly Manor film in Vancouver?
Mainly at Foxglove Farm in Langley.
The Haunting of Bly Manor is adapted from the 1898 Henry James novella The Turn of the Screw and set at an old country mansion in 1980s England with Victoria Pedretti from The Haunting of Hill House as the young American au pair hired by Henry Wingrave to look after his orphaned nephew and niece at Bly Manor after an earlier au pair’s tragic death.
Cast: Victoria Pedretti, Henry Thomas, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Kate Siegel, T’Nia Miller, Rahul Kohli, Benjamin Evan Ainsworth, Amelie Smith and Amelia Eve.
Production created the grounds of Bly Manor on an empty field at Foxglove Farm.
Photos of set.
Bly Manor.
Surprise. This was Bly Manor. Blue-screened shipping containers.
From the other side.
Bly Manor by Day. Rahul Kohli image.
Bly Manor at night.
Bly Manor by Night. Rahul Kholi image.
Foxglove Farm. Bly Manor grounds were made on this empty field.
Other locations:
Cecil Green Park house on the University of British Columbia campus for the opening wedding in California.
Gaastown’s Irish Heather Pub as The Tragic Muse in London where Dani bonds with Henry Wingrave after their disastrous interview.
Death of Dani’s fiancé after she broke up with him.
Hill Top Diner in Langley.
It was The Haunting of Bly Manor.
— Hollywood North Buzz – YVRShoots (@yvrshoots) February 15, 2020