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FINALE: SUPERGIRL & Super Friends Filming Last Big Battle in Vancouver


Supergirl filmed Day One of its last big battle in downtown Vancouver today, with the Girl of Steel joined by her Super Friends:

Martian Manhunter, Sentinel, Lena Luthor (with new powers), Brainy, Dreamer, Acrata, a returning Guardian, a new Guardian, a returning Win Schott in his Legion suit and a returning Mon-El.

A small group watching grew to over a hundred spectators, almost all with a camera of some kind.

Screencap from @lenaIuthorr video.

The lineup: Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) & Mon-el (Chris Wood) at the front with James Olsen’s Guardian, Kelly Olsen’s Guardian (Azie Tesfai), Alex Danvers’ Sentinel (Chyler Leigh), J’onn J’onzz’s Martian Manhunter (David Harewood), Winn Schott in his Legion suit (Jeremy Jordan), Dreamer (Nicole Maines), Brainy (Jesse Rath), Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) and Andrea Rojas’s Acrata (Julie Gonzalo).

NewWestBoy/@CaptCanuck66 on Twitter.

Froggy/Frog Photographs @FrogPhoto on Twitter @FrogPhotography on Instagram.


Big cast photo:
Supergirl OGs – Chyler Leigh, David Harewood, Melissa Benoist.

Cast photo with crew organized by Katie McGrath.