Barry & Iris aka WestAllen Reunite on THE FLASH Season 8 Finale. But Will It Last?
When was the last time Barry and Iris had a night in together on the couch?
Season 8 of The Flash ended with the pair reunited after almost a season and a half of separations starting in season 7B with Iris trapped in the Mirrorverse and in season 8 with Iris in Coast City to work on a story and then disappearing with time sickness for 4 episodes (mandated time off in Candice Patton’s season 8 contract).
Candice Patton
Update: Candice Patton took to Instagram to explain her 4-episode absence in season 8.
That the four-episode absence was part of her season 8 contract isn’t news to me, but I hadn’t heard that it was tied to the Canada/U.S. border.
What about season 9?
Candice Patton has signed a new deal for season 9 and showrunner Eric Wallace reassures WestAllen fans that Barry and Iris will face what”s coming in season 9 together ….not apart.
Yes, I can unequivocally say that in Season 9 you will see much, much more of Barry and Iris together. Not just together in the same room, but together in all ways. — Eric Wallace to TVLine.