You’d think Hugh Dillon would be an easy man to find in Vancouver since he’s been recurring on Continuum as the mysterious Mr. Escher and on The Killing as death-row prison guard Francis Becker. But one character is mysterious (last seen in his office high up in the W-43 Tower in Gastown) and the other works in a prison (Burnaby Youth Detention Centre, Riverview, studio) so fan Julie had given up until he gave her a headsup today to check out Chinatown.
Dillon was up on a roof helping out his friend James Hutson by appearing in his indie film The Last Crop about you-guessed-it — A man battles unknown enemies to find out who is stealing his marijuana crops. He learns that his own worst enemy may be himself. Here’s a tracking shot of Dillon’s character Vincent coming out of an SUV and talking on his phone against a West Vancouver backdrop.

Read More »SHOOT: Hugh Dillon Films Vancouver Indie THE LAST CROP on Chinatown Roof