Fifty Shades of Grey capped its exterior filming in December as May with this rescheduled Gastown shoot today. Seattle billionaire Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) saves student Ana Steele (Dakota Johnson) from being hit by a bicycle as they near a cobblestoned crosswalk set in Portland. Sounds like a pretty open scene doesn’t it? How can you make Gassy Jack Square a closed set? Well this crew is very good at doing that with walls of black scrims and security men with big black umbrellas. Only someone with an above set vantage like Michelle Lacusta (meesh_au on Instagram) could see much of the near-accident in take after take.
Or be willing to brave security to get close like those who photographed Jamie Dornan dancing with Dakota Johnson between takes. See Just Jared. Or their near-kiss. See the Daily Mail.
Crew set up outside Peckinpah restaurant, which tweeted a tongue-in-cheek reference to the filming.
A steady stream of traffic through Gassy Jack Square complicated the shoot.
Here is a rare gap in traffic.
You can see Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson’s feet on the left behind black scrim.
A glimpse of Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey through the scrims from a distance.
A glimpse of Dakota Johnson.
Gassy Jack statue.
This is the gap in the scrims.