Lawyer Lauren Reed, played by Virginia Williams, is letting her hair down in season two of the legal dramedy. The Fairly Legal ice queen and widowed stepmother to mediator Kate Reed, played by force-of-nature Sarah Shahi, has been transformed this season. Lauren and Kate are now roommates after Kate’s boat blew up in the last scene of the second season premiere and Kate is having her usual effect — Lauren’s already letting her hair down and re-entering the dating scene.
Fairly Legal even has its own hashtag #FreeLaurensHair. In a look ahead to the season two finale, here’s a photo I took of Virgina Williams’s Lauren on Tuesday with her hair down at work too, outside Reed & Reed law offices.
Tuesday was a very busy and extremely wet and miserable day of filming for Fairly Legal, which shot season two finale scenes in four different downtown Vancouver locations, including SFU’s Segal Graduate School of Business on Granville Street as Reed & Reed.
Late last night, Virginia Williams let her own hair down when the main cast went out carousing, following the wrap of second season filming here. Michael Trucco tweeted a great photo of Ryan Johnson,Williams, Sarah Shahi and himself posing with a six-foot-high pink Easter Bunny in Doulins Irish Pub. Sound like a good time was had by all.
But don’t worry, there is much left to see of Fairly Legal in Vancouver, at least on screen. Tonight Kevin Weisman (Alias’s Marshall Flinkman) guest stars on the second season’s episode four, Shine the Light, on USA Network. And the second season of Fairly Legal in Canada just started broadcasting last night on Showcase with the premiere episode, Sastisfaction,
Fairly Legal airs in the U.S. on USA Network at 9 p.m. on Fridays and in Canada on Showcase at 10 p.m. on Thursdays.