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SHOOT: KING & MAXWELL’s Jon Tenney Dupes a Bad Guy

King & Maxwell filmed a big scene in Chinatown yesterday of secret-service-agent-turned-private-investigator Sean King (Jon Tenney) driving north on Taylor Street when a “bad guy” in a truck speeds out of Shanghai Alley and rams him.  I dropped by in the afternoon when crew shot King (Jon Tenney) rolling out of the front seat and hitting the ground as the “bad guy” fired multiple rounds from his machine gun into the back seat of King’s Lexus, where he expected to find a key witness. Guess he missed the old switcheroo.  Later in the early evening,  crew filmed close-ups of the “bad guy” opening the door to find a dummy riddled with bullet holes — not the witness. Score: King 1. Bad Guy 0. King and his partner secret-service-agent-turned-private-investigator Michelle Maxwell (Rebecca Romijn) then came round behind the “bad guy” and arrested him.

King & Maxwell wraps filming of its first season of ten episodes this week in Vancouver.

“Bad Guy”

King & Maxwell airs Monday nights on TNT in the U.S.