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SHOOT: THE FLASH (Grant Gustin) Speeds to a Halt in Gastown


Update: The Flash time travels to a past where Iris (Candice Patton) hasn’t declared her love for Barry yet and  Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanagh) hasn’t killed Cisco (Carlos Valdes) yet.

The Flash (Grant Gustin), aka the scarlet speedster, comes to a halt on Alexander Street in Gastown just shy of Chill Winston, and looks around.

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While on set in Gastown, Grant Gustin heard that The Flash won the People’s Choice Award for Favorite New Drama.

And met with fans like Joe D’Aquisto.

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The Flash by Joe D'Aquisto

Warming up inside Chill Winston’s.

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Lit up Gassy Jack statue tonight.

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POlivia, aka Peter Bishop  and Olivia Dunham (Joshua Jackson and Anna Torv) kissed on a much colder night in the same location three years ago for Fringe.

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