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VIFF INDUSTRY: CONTINUUM’s ContinuDuumb & Duumber Gag Reel Starring Victor Webster

VIFF Industry Conference: Genre Smash! sponsored by ACFC West, Local 2020 Unifor from VIFF on Vimeo.

Fast forward to 5:50 for Continuduumb & Duumber.

If Continuum hadn’t been renewed for its fourth and final season, I’d have lobbied for a comedy spinoff based on the hilarious and lewd gag reel — Continuduumb & Duumber — that creator Simon Barry shared at a VIFF Industry panel in October. The star of the reel? No contest. It’s Victor Webster, aka the Diamond Dan of time-travelling cop shows.

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Victor Webster pretends to relieve himself on police station set.


Victor Webster does strip tease.

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Victor Webster pretends to lick Rachel Nichols’s face.


Victor Webster dry-humps Rachel Nichols as Kiera.


Victor Webster with a gun in his …..

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Rachel Nichols on the can.

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Stephen Lobo.

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Lexa Doig gulps down wine.

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Brian Markinson cracks up with Victor Webster.

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Nicholas Lea sacks himself.

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Alessandro Juliani strikes a Dr. Evil pose.

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