Colin O’Donoghue as Hook aka Captain Guyliner makes his way through a throng of fans in Steveston.
Updated and Revised:
Married Hook & Emma with her son Henry aboard the Jolly Roger. Something we didn’t expect to see in the reset Once Upon a Time season 7. It’s a flashback to happier times in Storybrooke.
Jennifer Morrison’s Instagram.
I missed seeing Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan coming and going to the Jolly Roger today played by the Lady Washington. It will be one of my biggest regrets this TV season.
Jennifer Morrison’s Instagram.
Jared Gilmore as Young Henry.
Once Upon a Time is filming a stunt sword fight with Colin O’Donoghue, Jared Gilmore and stunt doubles aboard the Lady Washington in dock in Steveston. Is Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) watching or coaching?
Jolly Roger aka Lady Washington in dock in Steveston.
Jennifer Morrison instagrammed from Steveston.
She was in Burnaby’s Central Park the day before with Colin O’Donoghue as Hook.
Look at the happy couple @colinodonoghue1 @jenmorrisonlive #CaptainSwan #OUAT
— mikayla:: (@bellatrixisme) July 19, 2017