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THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER Casts Henry Thomas, T’nia Miller, Rahul Kohli, Kate Siegel, Zach Gilford, Malcolm Goodwin & More

THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER Casts Henry Thomas, T’nia Miller, Rahul Kohli, Kate Siegel, Zach Gilford, Malcolm Goodwin & More

Horrormeister Mike Flanagan announced the next wave of casting for his upcoming Netflix series The Fall of the House of Usher, which starts filming in Vancouver in the new year.

Henry Thomas, T’nia Miller, Rahul Kohli, Kate Siegel, Zach Gilford, Malcolm Goodwin and many more are joining the previously announced Frank Langella, Carla Gugino, Mary McDonnell, Carl Lumbly and Mark Hamill. himself.

This miniseries is a modern remix of some of the most iconic works of Edgar Allan Poe.

Cast: Frank Langella , Carla Gugino, Mary McDonnell, Carl Lumbly, Mark Hamill, Henry Thomas, Samantha Sloyan, T’nia Miller, Rahul Koihli, Kate Siegell, Sauriyan Sapkota, Zach Gilford, Katie Parker, Michael Trucco, Michael Goodwin, Crystal Balint, Kylegh Curran, Paola Nunez, Aya Furukawa, Matt Biedel, Daniel Jun, Ruth Codd, Robert Longstreet, Annabeth Gish, Igby Rigney.

Mike Flanagan tweeted the cast announcements yesterday in a thread:

We’re just a few weeks away from principal photography on THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER, Intrepid’s latest miniseries for Netflix. Today, Executive Producer Trevor Macy and I are elated to unveil the first wave of our cast.

This miniseries is a modern remix of some of the most iconic works of Edgar Allan Poe. To tell this epic tale of greed, horror, and tragedy, we have assembled the largest ensemble cast in the history of Intrepid Pictures.

Let’s start at the very top. Headlining this incredible ensemble, leading this extraordinary cast as Roderick Usher, the towering patriarch of the Usher dynasty… the legendary FRANK LANGELLA.

Also front and center, reuniting with Intrepid for our fourth project together, my dear friend and invaluable collaborator, the one and only… CARLA GUGINO.

As Madeline Usher, Roderick’s sister and the hidden hand of the Usher dynasty, we are thrilled to welcome the graceful, powerful, incomparable… MARY MCDONNELL.

As Poe’s legendary investigator C. Auguste Dupin, we are so honored to welcome back one of my favorite past collaborators, the extraordinary… CARL LUMBLY.

And a new addition to the dark worlds of Intrepid and of Edgar Allan Poe, playing a character surprisingly at home in the shadows, we are thrilled to welcome… the iconic MARK HAMILL.,

Mike Flanagan tweeted out the rest of the cast in a new thread today:

Time for more FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER cast. The largest ensemble in Intrepid’s history continues now with these amazing performers, some new to us, many familiar faces, all descending into the wicked world of Poe. Buckle up, this is going to take a minute…

Returning for our eighth(!) collaboration, an actor I’m proud to call a colleague, and prouder to call a friend… the indomitable HENRY THOMAS

Fresh off her dazzling and chilling turn in MIDNIGHT MASS, returning for her fifth Intrepid project, the brilliant SAMANTHA SLOYAN

I often Tell the Tale of how she broke my Heart in BLY MANOR… I’m so pleased to be reunited with the graceful, formidable T’NIA MILLER

Returning for his fourth adventure with us, one of my favorite actors (and favorite people), the great RAHUL KOHLI

In her eighth Intrepid role, on the heels of her stunning work in MIDNIGHT MASS, the fiercely talented, incomparable KATE SIEGEL

Joining us for his second role after a breakout performance in THE MIDNIGHT CLUB (you’ll see), the wonderful SAURIYAN SAPKOTA

In his third outing with us, and hot off his Critics Choice Award nomination for MIDNIGHT MASS, the spectacular ZACH GILFORD

She starred in the movie that started it all, and it’s my privilege to join her on set for the sixth time since ABSENTIA… the luminous KATIE PARKER

Joining us for the third time (and reuniting with his BATTLESTAR GALACTICA co-star Mary McDonnell), the magnificent MICHAEL TRUCCO.

New to the Intrepid family (but reuniting with his iZOMBIE pal Rahul Kohli), the fantastically talented MALCOLM GOODWIN

Back for her third outing with us, one of my favorite residents of Crockett Island, the brilliant and glorious CRYSTAL BALINT

Returning with all of the charm, fire, and tenacity she showed us in DOCTOR SLEEP, the spectacular KYLIEGH CURRAN

New to our company but already flooring us with her talent and sophistication, we are so pleased to welcome PAOLA NUÑEZ

Joining us after her fantastic turn in THE MIDNIGHT CLUB, a young actress with enormous talent and a fantastic career ahead of her… welcome back AYA FURUKAWA.

Back for his third outing after stealing his scenes in MIDNIGHT MASS, one of the most versatile actors I’ve ever worked with – the wonderful MATT BIEDEL

Joining us for the first time, the wonderfully talented and endlessly charming DANIEL JUN

Joining us after a star-making turn in THE MIDNIGHT CLUB (I cannot WAIT for you to see)… the electrifying RUTH CODD.

I’m so happy to be working once more with one of the most gifted actors in the business for the fifth time… the towering talent ROBERT LONGSTREET.

And finally (for now), joining us for her fourth time, one of the best actresses we’ve had grace our sets, and an invaluable, irreplaceable member of the Intrepid family. The spectacular, the wonderful, the one and only… ANNABETH GISH.

THIS JUST IN! Wasn’t official when I started tweeting, but it is now – I’m so thrilled to be reunited with this phenomenal actor from THE MIDNIGHT CLUB and MIDNIGHT MASS, in his first non-MIDNIGHT related Intrepid role… the remarkable IGBY RIGNEY

The Fall of the House of Usher synopsis:

Roderick Usher, is a man who believes his family to be cursed by incurable madness. So sure is he of his family’s doom, that when his sister Madeline announces her engagement to Philip Winthrop, Roderick will stop at nothing to prevent their marriage and keep the Usher bloodline from continuing.

Filming dates: January 31st 2022 – June 7th 2022.

Episodes 8:

Showrunner: Mike Flanagan.

Director: Mike Flanagan (4 episodes), Michael Fimognari (4 episodes).

Producers: Mike Flanagan, Trevor Macy, Emmy Grinwis, Michael Fimognari, Melinda Nishioka.

Mike Flanagan has a good thing going in Vancouver.

The writer/director has shot three Netflix horror series here: The Haunting of Bly Manor, Midnight Mass and the upcoming The Midnight Club (based on a Christopher Pike novel).