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Simon Burnett

WEEK: May 13-19, 2013


SHOOT: ARROW’s Archer Showdown on Hudson’s Bay Roof for Tonight’s Season Finale

Two Men. Two Bows. One Roof.

Emerald Archer vs Dark Archer for the season finale.

A late April rehearsal of Hudson’s Bay rooftop fight scene at dusk in downtown Vancouver, part of Arrow’s final shoot of the season.

Arrow has been building to the ultimate showdown between Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman)’s alter egos for much of the season. Is this it? If so, who will be victorious? It didn’t look good for The Hood from my vantage high above in the Vancouver Lookout at Harbour Centre (often featured in Arrow cityscapes).

Update: The slumped figure near the open door  turns out be Diggle (David Ramsey) in the season finale.

Rehearsing catching one of the Hood’s arrows.

Read More »SHOOT: ARROW’s Archer Showdown on Hudson’s Bay Roof for Tonight’s Season Finale

STUNTS: ARROW’s Top 20 Action Moments Countdown

Arrow does have the best fight scenes on TV right now – Ken Tucker, former EW TV critic.

No argument from me. Arrow has my favourite fight scenes and stunts on TV.

Arrow Fight Designer James “Bam Bam” Bamford recently presented a Top 20 Action Moments Countdown in three videos. Absent are any sequences from tonight’s season finale so there is no spoiler alert.

The Top 5 includes my personal favourite- the huge Parkour Sequence with Stephen Amell and stunt double Simon Burnett filmed in Gastown.

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Related: Stephen Amell Jumps to Street, Slides over Cab and Runs Right at Me

Read More »STUNTS: ARROW’s Top 20 Action Moments Countdown

WEEK: March 25-31, 2013

SHOOT: You Won’t See This Running Stunt by ARROW Stunt Double Simon Burnett on 1×18 Tonight

Oliver Queen and The Hood stunt double Simon Burnett did stunt after stunt for tonight’s Arrow episode Salvation in Gastown in late February. He wove through traffic on a motorcycle, slid down a fire escape ladder, jumped from the roof of one building to another on a wire and jumped over a semi-trailer piled with plywood crates through a yellow Starling City cab and ran into an alley. It’s the last stunt you won’t see on screen tonight. Why? Because star Stephen Amell executed it so well that there was no need for a double. So here are Amell and Burnett prepping for the stunt and Burnett doing it.

Related: Watch Stephen Amell Jump to Street, Slide Over Cab & Then Run Right at Me for 1×18 

Read More »SHOOT: You Won’t See This Running Stunt by ARROW Stunt Double Simon Burnett on 1×18 Tonight

SHOOT: Watch ARROW’s Stephen Amell Jump to Street, Slide over Cab & Then Run Right At Me for 1×18

Stephen Amell could work as a stunt performer if he didn’t have a job already as the star of Arrow. His Oliver Queen/Hood stunt double Simon Burnett did the jump and running sequence first in Gastown  — jump from the roof of the grey van in the alley over a semi-trailer piled with plywood  crates onto the street, slide over the trunk of a yellow Starling City cab and run into the other side of the alley. Camera crew let me stand behind them to watch three or four takes with Simon Burnett and then the last one with Amell himself. Amell did the exact same sequence as well as Burnett but instead of coming to a halt just past the camera, Amell blasted by me down the alley. I could have snapped one more photo but risked him running right through me. Automatic set ban? For sure. This is not to take away anything from Simon Burnett. He’s the one who jumped from the Hotel Gastown roof to the top of a parkade. And he’s the one who smashes through candy glass windows feet first as the Hood. But Amell is simply amazing. 

Read More »SHOOT: Watch ARROW’s Stephen Amell Jump to Street, Slide over Cab & Then Run Right At Me for 1×18