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NEW SERIES: Chris Haddock’s THE ROMEO SECTION to Debut on CBC in The Fall

Still missing Intelligence? Chris Haddock, the creative mind behind Intelligence and DaVinci’s Inquest, returns to the CBC this Fall with a new filmed-in-Vancouver 10-episode spy serial, The Romeo Section.

Chris Haddock

Haddock Entertainment and the public broadcaster did not part amicably in 2008 when the CBC cancelled Intelligence after two seasons, leaving Haddock’s series about a Vancouver drug kingpin (Ian Tracey) forced to be an informant for the west coast’s CSIS head (Klea Scott) unresolved.


It seemed a shabby end to the CBC’s relationship with the Vancouver showrunner, who’d brought them seven successful seasons of DaVinci’s Inquest starring Nicholas Campbell as the Vancouver city coroner who sought justice for the victims whose cases he investigated, one season of DaVinci’s City Hall and two seasons of Intelligence. But the CBC has been in upheaval since then and is more receptive to complex cable-style series now.



4 thoughts on “NEW SERIES: Chris Haddock’s THE ROMEO SECTION to Debut on CBC in The Fall”

  1. I am so looking forward to this. I’ve seen a couple of episodes of boardwalk empire and I liked it but a friend across the country loves it. The davinchi inquest, city hall and intelligence was the most promising thing the CBC has come up with since the beachcombers. CBC aught to fund this properly. Again I am so looking forward to this.

  2. So happy to hear Haddock and the CBC kind of made up. I just recently discovered these DVDs at the Public Library, shows shot here in Vancouver ACTUALLY playing as Vancouver! I will definitely be tuning into Romeo Section to show my support.

  3. Another great series. Really eye opening about the Chinese influence in the drug trade and how all that is leading to something very sinister. Since watching the show I’ve been reading up on the opium trade in China and it seems that the use of drugs to undermine a culture is not a new idea.
    I am not sure why the main drug character always has really greasy hair and dresses like he’s been hitch hiking on a rail car for days???? He shows up to meetings with elegantly dressed Chinese and looks seriously underdressed. The women are mostly sex puppets and that is pretty disappointing. But there are very strong plot lines and interesting themes.

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