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SET: Security Fences Down at BATES MOTEL Set in Aldergrove. Which Room Will Rihanna Check Into?


The security fences are down in Aldergrove as Bates Motel prepares to start filming its fifth and final season in metro Vancouver this month. After the show wraps early next year, this iconic Bates House and Motel set will be torn down.

Mother-and-son Norma (Vera Farmiga) and Norman (Freddie Highmore) Bates in happier times.

bates motel house e

Last season in the penultimate episode Forever, Norman killed his mother in what he thought would be permanent carbon-monoxide-induced sleep for both, but he unexpectedly survived. In total denial and desperate to get her back, he dug up her corpse and brought Norma home. Mother will live on in season five, but only in Norman’s head.


This is the Norman we know from Alfred Hitchcock’s classic 1960 film Psycho. And so it’s appropriate in the final season that the series introduces its version of Marion Crane played by pop star Rihanna (who’s also cast in the all-female Ocean’s 8). In Psycho, Crane checks into the motel and is killed by Norman-as-Mother in the shower.

bn psycho e

How will Marion Crane differ in the series?


And which room will she check into?






Rihanna fans should know that the house and motel room interiors (including showers) are filmed in studio.


Romero (Nestor Carbonell) on his way to White Pine Bay, aka Vancouver.

Under wraps during hiatus.

Bates Motel is expected to start filming its fifth and final season on September 16th in metro Vancouver and wrap January 24th next year (dates subject to change).

46 thoughts on “SET: Security Fences Down at BATES MOTEL Set in Aldergrove. Which Room Will Rihanna Check Into?”

    1. Me too re Vera Farmiga. You have a better chance of meeting her at a another location though. Crew keeps public back when they’re filming at the house and motel set in Aldergrove. Too much has been spoiled over the years.

    2. Yeah, there was a time when Freddie, Vera, Max, Nestor, and Olivia would wander across the road between takes to chat with the fans and get pictures taken. Unfortunately recent developments with aggressive paparazzi showing up has killed that… now they won’t even go to craft services themselves, instead sending their assistants or sometimes even Kerry in their place to raid the snacks.
      It’s sad really, that one or two losers can ruin it for everyone… the main set used to be a very laid back atmosphere, and now it’s often under a lock-down (barricades up to prevent watching, pushing the public back, shutting the road down to all traffic, and so on). And now that Rihanna is going to be there for a few days, well… I imagine it won’t help the lax security any.

      1. That just ruins it for all of us who are respectful. Such a shame. The walking dead cast has this problem really bad now too. It was okay until season 4. Now the same thing.

    1. The 16th apparently but everyone is right. Don’t know if they start filming in Vancouver at the film studios or Aldergrove that day. I’m still going to head out there every day though just incase! It would be neat to meet up with another Bates fan! I’m always going out there alone. I feel like a weird creeper I hate it. LOL

      1. Nicole I didn’t know they were filming all this time either!! I just started watching the season 1,2 , 3 and 4 on line with English subtitles! What a shame
        I had no clue it was here in

        1. Sila! 🙂 I hope you see my messages today. I don’t know of YVRShoots will let me post my email to you so we can arrange to meet up (I hope so just this one time!) but my email is Or get back to me and we will arrange to meet up tomorrow and we’ll go from there! 🙂

    1. Wasn’t coming here, Shayla… way too early for that yet (no film dates scheduled at the set for this coming week). May have been going to the former Arctic Air/Strange Empire Soundstage on 264th by 10th.

  1. Keep checking everyday for more activity and who’s around at bates motel set. Nice crew there today although I think they were just electricians preparing the motel for filming. Heading back to Bates tomorrow. Would love to meet Vera and Freddie too. Had no idea this show was filmed here all these years until I got into it this summer. ☹️

  2. It’s a shame people have to push the limits and now it will be hard to meet any of the lovely cast. So frustrating for people like us who are respectful to cast and crew.

      1. Nicole I didn’t know they were filming all this time either!! I just started watching the season 1,2 , 3 and 4 on line with English subtitles! What a shame
        I had no clue it was here in

  3. Nicole, keep up the good investigative work! I had seen them filming two years ago at the Shadbolt Centre in Burnaby. They aren’t always on site in Aldergrove. Quite often they are in Horseshoe Bay as well.

    1. Haha I don’t know. My investigation skills aren’t too great. I’d just love to meet Vera so much! They shot a lot in horseshoe bay didn’t they. Especially at Trolls restaurant there! I’ll just keep going out there every second day and hope for the best. I know crew won’t reveal when they will be filming in Aldergrove so people don’t show up so best luck is to go there as much as possible. That’s so neat you got to see them film Brian! 🙂 I really wish Vera interacted with fans on Instagram. But can understand how overwhelming that would be if she did so don’t blame her. I would just absolutely love love love!! to meet her so much. Just once I’d be happy! She’s such a fantastic actress. I love all her work! Are any of you going to the Aldergrove set quite often every so often? I’m going to head out there at 3 pm tomorrow if anyone wants to meet there. I’ll be there for a bit 🙂

  4. Will be back there tomorrow 🙂 Staying respectful of security and crews rules of course. Just want to meet Vera so much and there’s always a remote chance of seeing her there. ? Would be happy to just meet her once! Such a lover of her professional work!!

    1. I’ll save you the trip, Nicole… Vera won’t be here today (Monday)… or tomorrow. Sorry. Any activity will just be crew prepping the site and discovering just how good/bad the drainage got over the hiatus between S04 and S05 filming.

      1. Hey Scott. Thankyou so much. I drive from Easy Abbotsford but it’s a nice drive down Huntington to 272nd so I don’t mind driving there everyday just incase. It’s really neat to see them set up. I love Vera’s work! Have always wanted to meet her for 10 years since her part in ‘Breaking and Entering’. Though it was a small part she did a wonderful job. Became a fan of her work ever since. She’s so good at what she does! Do you work at the site or just live nearby? He crew has sure worked hard getting the set ready. They do a great job. Can’t be easy to set up and also control the property so there’s no trouble with people sneaking on. Anyhow thankyou for the update 🙂

        1. I am the 19 acres across the road, and also move some of their equipment during filming. They also park their work trucks here during filming (the circus is around the corner on Huntington by the someday-golfcourse). I’ve had their first shoot schedule for the set since 3 weeks ago (they have to notify us in advance so that we can prep the property). Vera won’t be here tomorrow either.
          How it works there is a little different than many would think. The people doing all the work are just there for that… they don’t really care who comes on the property, as long as that person stays out of their way. It’s the Production Assistant (the red car) that is in charge of kicking people off the location. That is really all he is there for until filming starts… make sure people stay off the location, and call the Police on those who don’t listen to him (no incidents so far this season, but last season they had to make several appearances).
          Oh, and don’t be bringing them coffee and treats… they’re like dogs. You spoil them once, you end up with them following you around everywhere. Then nothing gets done. 😉

          1. Oh okay. That’s good that they work with you guys. Hopefully it’s not an inconvenience. Now o feel bad when I see people parking all outside your property. I try to make sure I always park and also stay out of the way.
            I’ll give Wednesday a shot just incase as I just come from east Abby. I admit. Hoping for the best gets tiring! I feel like I live there! Than just end up leaving with no luck meeting Miss Vera lol. It’s okay though. It’s a nice drive and I have bad anxiety so I do have the time regrettably to admit 🙁 Do you want Tim bits and coffee? ☺️

      2. They were working hard today digging up dirt and manicuring the grounds. Poor crew looked so tired. I want to bring them coffee and donughts this week! Lol

  5. No pictures or video. I just watched from across the street but you’re not allowed to do any of that so I wanted to be respectful and left. (Honestly had no idea you weren’t allowed to take pictures or o definitely wouldn’tve! I just deleted them and decided to go home). I would just like to meet Vera and Freddie once but you’re right. I don’t think they’re allowed to cross the street and take a picture. crew isn’t very smiley so I wouldn’t push it if anyone tries out there. It’s infortunate but understand they are just doing their job and protecting themselves and their jobs.
    Still wish Vera and Freddie could’ve crossed the street just for a picture that’s all! ☹️ I don’t know if they’re more relaxed about letting them do that near the end of the day of filming but I doubt it. ☹️

    1. Bates Motel crew nice to me today but I asked if I could take a few photos. Don’t feel bad. Bates Motel in Aldergrove is one of my worst set experiences ever. Didn’t know how strict they were about photos while filming and got yelled at by one of their locations people not just about me but about every photographer they’d ever had trouble with — by name.

      1. I was embarrassed today when I got told (the crew in the van dos not look happy one bit) ..I honestly didn’t know the rules as I’ve never been to a. Film set before so I deleted the pictures and I left. I’m sorry you had that experience as well Susan. 🙁 I guess that’s their job so I can’t give them gried. I just felt terrible than embarrassed. Didn’t mean to do that I just didn’t know the rules. I’m definitely the kind of person who worries too much because I want to always be respectful. :-(.

        1. Please don’t take it to heart. Locations yelled at me two years ago knowing I have this web site. What upset me is that they yelled at me about everyone else’s behaviour as if I’m responsible for them too. Your situation is different. You didn’t know. And it’s not a hard and fast rule. Some productions let people take photos. Some ask that you don’t. Some act like you’ve committed a criminal offence. You’ll know next time. Wait and see what other people’s experiences are in Aldergrove. And then go again. But check in with the production assistants first and ask if you can watch and where from.

          1. Should update this with new information. I didn’t know Bates Motel had permits for both sides of 272nd Street on film days. So there is nowhere public to stand. And so it’s not worth the long trip to find out you can’t stay.

            1. Don’t film on weekends so it’s a good time to go and see set although there will be security. Not sure when they’re back filming at the motel/house set but whenever it is I’ve found the film crew won’t let you linger.

    2. I will for sure! Wow I can’t believe that. You aren’t responsible for those disrespectful pushy photographers. You are VERY respectful on here. I think you do a fine job, Susan! The updates are very appreciated and I really enjoy YVRShoots. Especially of you can’t go to filming this lets us atleast know how it’s going within boundaries 🙂 I take things too heart too much. I just wanted to be respectful and didn’t want them to think I was just another pushy fan. I only longed to meet Vera and be on my way. I really didn’t know the rules so next time I will take your suggestion and just talk to somebody first and if they request no people there, I will leave, that’s okay. I would rather avoid causing any problems for or with them.
      Keep up the good work. I really enjoy this site and you are very respectful like me of not pushing boundaries. I’m really glad you got to share your photos and experience today 🙂

      1. There was nothing to renovate. The house was just a shell (absolutely nothing inside but a few catwalks), and the Motel was in the same shape… it would have cost taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars just to bring that building up to any sort of code. Plus the hundred thousand+ a year it would have cost those same taxpayers to keep security on site to prevent looting and vandalizing… it stood for the 5 years of filming, and served its purpose well. Now it is returned to its actual historic appearance, as a retired dump. There was nothing historic about the buildings… those are down in California.

    3. Scott I understand what your saying but it would have been a tourist draw. The original in Hollywood was built the same way and it’s been around for over 50 years. I was amazed by how accurate the set, inside and out, was to the 1960 movie. The first season I really dug to see if Universal was involved in the TV show in some way to allow it’s iconic set used.

    4. Do you know if they had any auction after the final wrap? Years ago I went to Covington Georgia after they finished filming teh TV show In The Heat Of The Night. They had a huge silent auction selling off all the props, signs, wardrobe even police cars. This auction was held on the property so it allowed you to wander around looking at the sets as you placed your bids.

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