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TONIGHT: ONCE UPON A TIME’s Changlings With Rumple (Robert Carlyle), Belle (Emilie De Ravin) & Black Fairy


What is Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold up to? Will he really steal his son from Belle? When Belle learns of his plans, she turns to CaptainSwan — Captain Hook and Emma Swan — to stop him. Update: The Evil Queen accelerates Belle’s pregnancy. She gives birth to a baby boy she names Gideon and gives up  to the Blue Fairy to take away for safekeeping from his father Rumplestiltskin.


And how does the Black Fairy fit into all this?

Update: The Black Fairy is Rumplestiltskin’s Mom who abandoned him for power.


Tonight on ABC in the United States and CTV in Canada.


A stolen baby in an Enchanted Forest flashback.

Rumple versus fairies.

Not sure the Gold family will work out this well.