NBC’s hit series The Irrational, with Jesse L. Martin as the “Behavioral Science Guy”, plans to film more season one episodes this November and December in Vancouver now that the SAG strike is over.
Alec Mercer (Jesse L Martin), a world-renowned professor of behavioral science, lends his expertise to an array of high-stakes cases involving governments, law enforcement, and corporations with his unique and unexpected approach to understanding human behavior.
The Irrational aired its last filmed episode last Monday — Episode 7: The Real Deal.
Alec’s first date with Rose turns into a 24-hour excursion when they find themselves taking on an investigation involving a forged masterpiece, filmed mainly at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
Related: The Irrational With Jesse L. Martin Doing Well This Fall But With Not Much Competition
How did The Irrational avoid a production shut down until mid-July?
Filming of The Irrational in Vancouver started early in the Spring to get ahead of the Writers Guild of America strike on May 2nd and continued with so-called “locked scripts” until the SAG-AFTRA guild joined the writers in a Double Strike on July 14th and production on The Irrational had to shut down.
When The Irrational premiered on September 25th, the show had seven completed episodes with three left to shoot.
The Irrational Season One::
Episodes: 10 (7 completed, 3 left to film).
Filming dates March 21 2023 – Production paused on July 14th due to SAG strike.
Filming dates for new episodes: November 27 2023 – December 21 2023.
Showrunner: Arika Lisanne Mittman (La Brea).
Cast: Jesse L. Martin, Maahra Hill, Travina Springer, Molly Kunz, Arash DeMaxi.
People are irrational, but predictably so,. One error of judgment leads to another. — Alec Mercer.
Producers: Arika Mittman, Sam Baum and Mark Goffman.
Filming in Vancouver:
Hennings Building on University of British Columbia campus.
Vancouver Art Gallery in downtown Vancouver.
Jesse L. Martin at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
Jesse L. Martin walking through set.
Adapted from Dan Ariely’s book Predictably Irrational..