THE FLASH Series Finale With Cobalt Blue, Reverse Flash, Zoom, Savitar & Godspeed
Why does Eddie Thawne decide to lead Team Evil Speedsters? To gain the family he thinks would have been his if he hadn’t sacrificed himself in 2015.
Why does Eddie Thawne decide to lead Team Evil Speedsters? To gain the family he thinks would have been his if he hadn’t sacrificed himself in 2015.
Why does resurrected Eddie Thawne join Team Evil Speedsters? To gain the family he thinks would have been his if he hadn’t sacrificed himself in 2015. With him are Reverse Flash, Zoom, Savitar and Godspeed.
Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) sacrificed himself in the season one finale of The Flash. Now he’s back.
My name’s Barry Allen. I’m from the future. The Flash’s final four episodes are coming:: starting with a Back-to-the-Future episode in the year 2000 directed… Read More »NEXT: THE FLASH’s Back to the Future Episode in the Year 2000
On the next episode of The Flash, Oliver Queen/the Green Arrow and Barry Allen/the Flash reunite for one last Arrowverse teamup.
THE FLASH’s final wrap party celebrated Grant Gustin and other cast and crew after 9 seasons in filmed in Vancouver
Season 9 Team Flash has wrapped filming The Flash in Vancouver. Kayla Compton, Danielle Nicolet, Brandon McKnight, Jon Cor with the OG of the OGs Grant Gustin, who’s filmed 9 seasons and 184 episodes as the Flash.
Javicia Leslie’s Red Death makes a scene at the Central City Police Department headquarters in next week’s The Mask of Red Death: Part 2.
Brandon McKnight’s takeover of The Flash Instagram took us onto set with the cast at Vancouver Film Studios as they film the series finale.