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Fort Langley Community Hall

WEEK: July 8-14, 2013

WEEK: February 11-17, 2013

PHOTO RECAP: ONCE UPON A TIME’s Storybrooke Scenes in 2×02 We Are Both

We Are Both opens with the Seven Dwarfs testing the Storybrooke town limits and discovering that if one of them crosses the border their cursed self becomes their only self, as Sneezy forgets he was ever a Dwarf.

Next we see the damage the Wraith caused in Storybrooke in an overhead pan of downed telephone poles, blownout windows, overturned cars and uprooted pavement, filmed on Moncton Street in Steveston south of Vancouver.

And we see a populace in relief mode, handing out blankets, bottles of water and toilet paper at the Storybrooke Town Hall, filmed in Fort Langley.

Charming/David (Josh Dallas) takes charge at the Storybrooke Town Hall, promising his grandson Henry (Jared Gilmore) and everyone else that he will come up with a plan to fix everything, but he’s really more concerned with finding a way to get back his wife and daughter — Snow White and Emma Swan — who fell through a portal opened by a magic hat in the season premiere.

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